
Vandeham Sachidanandam
Bhedatheetham Jagad Gurum

Nithyam Poornam Nirakaram
Nirguna Swathma Sarva Samsthitham...

Love and Lust 
-Sri Sri

In love even an object is elevated to life. Stones and trees speak to you;
sun, the moon, the entire creation becomes alive and divine.
In lust even living being becomes a mere object.

Lust brings tension; love brings relaxation
In lust there is cunningness and manipulation; in love there is playfulness
Lust focuses on a part; love focuses on the whole

In lust you want to grasp and possess; in love you want to give and surrender
In lust there is effort; love is effortless
Lust brings violence; love brings sacrifice
Lust demands respect; love commands respect
In lust you are confused; in love you are focused

Lust is dark and monotonous; love has many modes and colors
Lust says “You can have only what I want you to”; Love says “I want you to have what you want”
Lust causes feverishness and frustration; love causes longing and pain
Lust imprisons and destroys; love liberates and sets you free

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