Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to share an album using Google Picasa

Download Picasa software from the follwing link or find the link through google 

Install it.

Open picasa, go to file menu and add the photo folders.
It may take some time to scan the photos and show in picasa.
Then right click on the folder (in picasa) which you want to upload.
You will get an option to "upload to web albums".
Then it will ask you to login. Use your google user name and password.
Then it shows a window with options to give album name, Album visibility and Image size option.
Visibility you can make Limited so that only the people you invite can see the album.
Image size choose as original(if your connections is too slow choose 1600 pixels, it reduces quality of photo and uploads faster).
Then click upload.
After upload finishes go to picasa main window, top-right you can see a link to web albums. click that and you will see your album in a web page. On right side you will see a share option. Click that and enter email ids of the people to whom you wanna share it with.

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